These Terms of Services (“Terms”) set out the terms and conditions on which Audible Talents Ltd (“Audible Talents” “We”) agrees to engage in talent introduction services to you (“Client” “You”)


In these Terms of Services, the following expressions shall be given the following meanings:

“Freelancer”  means a person Introduced by us to you to be considered for an Engagement for a given project.
“Engagement”  means hiring or using introduced Freelancer’s skill and expertise for the execution of a project, under a contract of service or contract for services, on a permanent, temporary or fixed term basis;
“Introduction”  means the provision by us to you of a Freelancer suitable to your requirements as provided by you to us, or any means by which we communicate a Freelancer’s availability for any Engagement and/or details are communicated to you ‘Introduction’ or ‘Introduced’ shall be construed accordingly;
Introduction Fee


means the Fee which shall be paid to Audible Talents upon introduction. Such fees are calculated together with the Freelancer’s fees and held in escrow pending when job is certified as complete;
Job Completion The client shall be required to certify job as complete within 3-4 working days after job delivery by Freelancer.
  1. Terms of Business

a) The Client is desirous of engaging the services of Audible Talents for the provision of Freelancer(s).

b) These Terms set out the entire agreement between Audible Talents and the Client for all the services that is provided under this Agreement.

c) Audible Talent’s Introduction of a Freelancer to you constitutes your express agreement to these Terms, whether or not you have signed these Terms.

d) If any clause in the Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that clause shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the rest of the Terms. If necessary, the clause may be deleted or modified as a result.

  1. Obligations of Audible Talents;

Audible Talents shall:

a) comply with all of applicable legislation for the territory where its services are required;

b) ensure that any Freelancer introduced to the Client, has provided consent for their details to be submitted;

c) once a Freelancer has been Introduced, Audible Talents shall provide the Client with full access to the Freelancer’s details;

d) Audible Talents shall provide information on Freelancers; CVs/resumes, Freelancer’s Profile to the Client via email or such other appropriate means.

e) ensure that the Freelancer Introduced matches the job title descriptions or qualifications provided by the Client before making the Introduction.

  1. Obligations of the Client

 The Client may on acceptance of these Terms, provide Audible Talents with the following information:

a) the nature of the vacancy, including the type of work involved, its location, the hours of work, the commencement date and the likely duration;

b) the experience, training, qualifications and any authorisations required by the Client, by law or by any applicable professional body;

c) provide necessary information to the Freelancer for smooth job delivery and supervise Freelancer’s work

d) pay total Introduction fee to Audible Talent’s escrow account before an Introduction is made.

e) pay total Freelancer’s fee to Audible Talent’s escrow account before the job starts.

The Client may satisfy itself as to the suitability of any Freelancer with the requirements of the project for which they are Introduced.

  1. Fees and Payment Terms

Temporary Hires

a) Freelancers’ fees are determined in accordance with the “Table of Fees”. Additionally, an Introduction Fee (fixed amount) shall be added to make the “Total Fee”.

b) The Client shall pay the full Introduction Fee into Audible Talents’ Escrow Account before Audible Talents’ starts the selection process.

c) The Freelancers’ Fee shall be paid into Audible Talents’ Escrow Account before the job starts and will be held in the escrow pending when the Client certifies job completion. The Freelancer’s Fee shall be paid out once the Client certifies satisfactory completion of Freelancer’s work.

d) The Client is required to certify job completion immediately or within 3-4 working days after work delivery. If after 4 working days, Client does not review the job, it is assumed that work is satisfactory and funds will be released to the Freelancer.

Subscription Plan

e) In the case of a Subscription plan, the Client shall pay the subscription fee into Audible Talents’ Escrow Account before the selection process begins. See “Table of Fees” to learn more.

Long-term Retainer

f) In the case of a Long-term Retainer contract (usually 1+ year), the Client shall pay Introduction Fee  into Audible Talents’ Escrow Account before the selection process begins. The Client shall pay X% of annual contract fee, billed monthly, into Audible Talents’ Escrow before the contract starts for the month. See “Table of Fees” to learn more.

Fixed Term Hires

g) Client pays Audible Talents X% of contract fee plus Project cost upfront into Audible Talents’ Escrow account before the job starts. See “Table of Fees” for more details.

  1. Confidentiality and Data Protection

a) We agree to keep the information you provide us in relation to an Introduction confidential and we each agree to keep confidential information provided by the other confidential and secret unless otherwise required to do so by law.

b) We will both comply with our respective obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation 2019, or other applicable data protection legislation (the ‘Data Protection Laws’).

c) Audible Talents shall ensure that all necessary consents have been obtained from, and all fair processing notices have been provided to all Freelancers.

d) The Client commits to ensuring that they only use, process, and retain a Freelancer’s personal information as is reasonably necessary to evaluate them for the role they have been Introduced.

e) Audible Talents will use Client’s details, which may include; name, email address and phone number to retain an internal register of clients. Your information will only be used in accordance with Audible Talents’ Privacy Policy.

  1. Advertisement

By requesting that we Introduce Freelancer(s), you authorise us to advertise such within our network, but we will not use your name or any of your logos or trademarks. It is agreed that you shall bear no liability for such advertising, promotional or marketing costs incurred by us in doing so.

  1. Amendments

Audible Talents may make changes to these Terms from time to time. If we make any changes that are material or operate to your detriment, we’ll provide you with notice as appropriate under the circumstances, for example by displaying a prominent notice on our website or by sending you an email. However, we are under no obligation to provide any prior notification prior to making such amendments or effecting such changes.